Wiseburn Watch Meeting – Wednesday November 15th, 2023 @ 7PM

Join us for what promises to be a very informative meeting! Hollyglen Elementary School (formerly Cabrillo), 5309 W 135th St, Hawthorne, CA 90250.

    1. Welcome Law Enforcement and County guests
    2. Q&A for Law Enforcement
    3. Crime Statistics Update
    4. Updates from LA County
    5. Ara An, Deputy for Constituent Engagement 2nd District
    6. Department of Economic Opportunity – Ordinance Update from May 17th meeting
    7. 15th Annual Santa Parade – donations and logistics
    8. Open Forum

This meeting can also be watched live on our YouTube channel.

Wiseburn 15th Annual Santa Parade T-shirts available now!

Wiseburn Watch will incur approximately $300 to cover our Annual Santa Parade and Toy Drive costs, the majority to cover the the small gift Santa will give every child he greets. We usually ask for donations but wanted to do something special for our 15th year, so we’ve created a special “15th Annual Wiseburn Santa Parade” souvenir T-shirt to raise money for the parade on December 23, 2023. We need to sell at least 50 T-shirts to meet our goal. Please help us if you can!

If you prefer to make a donation you can always send a check payable to Wiseburn Neighborhood Watch (we’re a 501(c)(3) organization; 45-2862927) to:

Wiseburn Watch
P.O. BOX # 1284
Hawthorne, CA 90251 

Online donations via PayPal and credit card can be accessed at our website (https://www.wiseburnwatch.club)


Santa Claus is coming to Wiseburn December 23rd!

Marek your calendars for Saturday, December 23rd: it’s the 15th Annual Wiseburn Santa Parade and Toy Drive! Sirens & lights will alert you that Santa is coming starting at 4:45 pm (see route map below)!

Wiseburn Watch is proud to join with LACO Fire Department to collect toys along our Santa Stop route. Please bring your donation of a new unwrapped toy or sporting good for the LACO “SPARK OF LOVE” TOY DRIVE! Donation is not required to see Santa. Santa will give each child a small gift.

Brought to you by Wiseburn Watch in coordination with the Los Angeles County Fire Department, California Highway Patrol and Los Angeles County Sheriff Department. We look forward to seeing along the parade rout on December 23rd!


Wiseburn Watch Meeting – Wednesday September 20th, 2023 @ 7PM

Join us for what promises to be a very informative meeting! Hollyglen Elementary School (formerly Cabrillo), 5309 W 135th St, Hawthorne, CA 90250.

Welcome and Introductions (5 mins)
Questions for Law Enforcement and Crime Stats (15 mins)
Universal Waste Systems (UWS) and Public Works Updates (15 mins) LA County Vision Zero – Impact for Wiseburn (15 mins)
Wiseburn Clean-up and Beautification – setting dates and getting help (5 mins) Open Forum – Q&A

This meeting can also be watched live on our YouTube channel.

Free Rain Barrel Program is back!

West Basin’s free Rain Barrel Program is back with six pick-up events in the service area from September 23 through December 2, 2023.

These free events are a great way to prepare for the winter as rain barrels save water and reduce stormwater runoff by collecting and reusing rainwater.

To register and get more information, please visit:

www.westbasin.org/rainbarrels or call (310) 371-4633.

REGISTER NOW – Save Water & Save Money!

National Night Out is tomorrow! Join us!

Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 1st, 4pm to 8pm: NATIONAL NIGHT OUT in Wiseburn is back! Please join us at the L.A. County Wiseburn Public Library parking lot, located at 5335 135th Street, Hawthorne for fun, food games & prizes for the whole family!

Brought to you by WISEBURN WATCH in cooperation with LASD, CHP, and LACOFD with generous support from L.A. County 2nd District Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell. Millions of neighbors take part in National Night Out across thousands of communities from all fifty states, U.S. territories and military bases worldwide. National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community. Furthermore, it provides a great opportunity to bring police and neighbors together under positive circumstances.

Wiseburn Watch Meeting – Wednesday July 19th, 2023 @ 7PM

Join us for what promises to be a very informative meeting! Juan Cabrillo Elementary School, 5309 W 135th St, Hawthorne, CA 90250.

1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Q&A for Law Enforcement
3. Updates from County Supervisor’s Office
4. Wiseburn updates (waste hauler increase, South Bay Plan, Water Quality report)
5. Elections (email forthcoming) and ask for candidates
6. National Night Out August 1st (donations needed)

7. Open Forum

This meeting can also be watched live on our YouTube channel.

National Night Out is back! Join us on August 1st!

We are thrilled to announce that after a four-year absence, NATIONAL NIGHT OUT in Wiseburn is back! Please join us on Tuesday, August 1st, 4pm to 8pm, for fun, food games & prizes for the whole family. Location is the L.A. County Wiseburn Public Library parking lot, located at 5335 135th Street, Hawthorne.

Brought to you by WISEBURN WATCH in cooperation with LASD, CHP, and LACOFD with generous support from L.A. County 2nd District Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell. We would love your support, either via donations or volunteering to help out at the event. Please contact Harley Hoff via text only at 310.995.8019. Please download our NNO flyer by clicking the picture below and send it to your Wiseburn neighbors! See you on August 1st!

Millions of neighbors take part in National Night Out across thousands of communities from all fifty states, U.S. territories and military bases worldwide. National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community. Furthermore, it provides a great opportunity to bring police and neighbors together under positive circumstances.